- Please select the class link that matches which class you are in. Copy and past the URL.
- Then, log-in. Remember, your log in is lastnamefirstinitial@rsd407.org (ex: grassleyj@rsd407.org); password: capitalize first letter of first name, lowecase first letter of last name, student id without the 0 (ex: Jg904532);
- Click “Edit the Class Notebook in OneNote”.
- You also have free downloads of Office 365 to any device. Therefore, if you have a MAC and your parents allow it, you can download Office 365 to your computer!
6th Grade Social Studies/ World Geography:
https://rsd407-my.sharepoint.com/personal/grassleyj_rsd407_org/Documents/Class Notebooks/Grassley 6th Grade Geography
7th Grade Social Studies/ Ancient History:
https://rsd407-my.sharepoint.com/personal/grassleyj_rsd407_org/Documents/Class Notebooks/Grassley 7th Grade Ancient History
Multi-Age Block One/ US History:
https://rsd407-my.sharepoint.com/personal/grassleyj_rsd407_org/Documents/Class Notebooks/Grassley Multi-Age Block One
Multi-Age Block Two/ US History:
https://rsd407-my.sharepoint.com/personal/grassleyj_rsd407_org/Documents/Class Notebooks/Grassley Multi-Age Block Two